
Current and prospective investors, please contact Julie Heidtke at For all other inquiries, please use the contact information below.


353 North Clark Street, Suite 1950
Chicago, Illinois 60654
(312) 604-7902

Ann-Marie Wolf

Ann-Marie Wolf

Partner, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer

Ann-Marie C. Wolf is a Partner and Landrock’s Chief Financial Officer and Chief Compliance Officer. Ann-Marie had a 25+ year career with William Harris Investors, Inc. (WHI) and its affiliated companies. She served as Chief Financial Officer at WHI and held various finance and accounting roles for WHI Real Estate Partners, WHI Capital Partners, WHI Trust Company, Harris Associates, Aurora Investment Management, GrizzlyRock Capital, and Harris Alternatives, among others. Ann-Marie’s extensive experience includes a broad range of accounting and finance functions for alternative and conventional investment management firms and family offices. She has led teams responsible for fund accounting, fund administration, corporate accounting, financial forecasting and analysis, treasury, audit, valuation, tax compliance, insurance, and human resources, among others. She is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) and a Certified Management Accountant, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society, and the Institute of Management Accountants. Ann-Marie holds an MBA from DePaul University, and a BS in Accounting from Illinois State University. She lives in Chicago's West Loop with her husband and two children.